Know your sole!
They say, “A shoe is not only a design, but it’s a part of your body language, the way you walk.”
Well, you’ll be more comfortable being active if you choose a shoe that fits you well, suits your activity type, is appropriate for any problems with your feet, and helps protect your feet, legs and joints. After all, the right footwear can help keep your feet healthy, make your physical activity easier and help keep your body safe from injury. For this, knowing the anatomy of the shoe you’re wearing is very important and in particular the sole. In this blog, we’ll be mentioning different types of sole and the importance of each one of them so that next time, you go shopping, you choose the right shoe based on your need.
If you are looking for sports shoes with abrasion- and slip-resistant soles, then we recommend a pair of Caliber shoes with TPU soles. “TPU” stands for “thermoplastic polyurethane”. It’s almost always combined with a midsole of polyurethane (PU) to obtain a PU/TPU sole. TPU is a very sturdy and flexible material having very good performances: excellent abrasion resistance, excellent durability and slip resistance. You can find this material in the outermost layer of the shoes because that’s where your shoes experience the most of wear and tear. Placing the TPU on the outermost layer of the shoes thus ensures durability for a long run. Next time when the shopkeeper mentions that his shoe has TPU sole, you know what that means!
The next category of sole that you’ll find in Caliber shoes is the rubber sole. Rubber soles are making strides in the men’s luxury shoe market for their immediate comfort and the convenience of slip-resistance and full waterproofing. Rubber soles shoes are multi-weather shoes, that is, the rubber sole footwear is suitable for all seasons. When you are walking on a wet pavement or on snow-covered streets, you should definitely wear shoes with rubber soles as they provide better traction on wet surfaces. The chance of slipping also gets reduced. Moreover, rubber sole shoes are an economical and practical choice for footwear. And yes, not to forget, rubber soles also play the eco card giving the consumers another reason to opt for such shoes. Furthermore, the sole available in the market at our price point is very stiff, as a result, we won’t be able to carry it comfortably. Also, most of them aren’t good for our legs and spinal cords. We use rubber sole which is highly flexible and durable so it ensures comfort, durability and reasonable at the same time. Want a full-proof durable shoe that could run with you? You know which one to choose now!
Well, all of us have different requirements from the footwear we choose. For some, its style, some comfort while some go for price. However, amongst us, there are also many shoeaholics who seek for a lightweight shoe particularly. The best option for such customers, is to go for EVA sole. EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate) has rubber-like properties but tends to be softer than rubber, which means lesser padding and more flexibility. EVA tends to be much lighter allowing us to put extra thickness in the sole without increasing weight which is done by adding rubber in the outer layer of EVA sole by Caliber which adds to the durability of the shoe at the same time and completing value for money.
Now, that you know the basics of different types of soles, we’re sure your understanding with each of these will definitely help you out to choose an ideal pair for you.